Thursday, November 15, 2012

Too Short!!!

K got her first haircut last weekend. Her bangs are pretty long to the point it hit her eye and she keeps rubbing her eyes. She would only wear clips for a few minutes before pulling them out of her hair. Last Saturday Mommy overheard another parent at swimming class say there is a kid salon across the street from the swim school that is really friendly and fast, so Mommy and Daddy decided to spontaneously go after class. K sat on Daddy's lap. Mommy asked for a bang trim and not to cut too much!

K did not like getting her bangs trimmed one bit.

Within 5 minutes the hair was snipped and she was done.

 She survived and it doesn't look too bad right!

But is what it really looked like once her hair dried.  Sorry K :( Everyone has to go through a bad haircut one time or another. Mommy can't wait until it grows back!

 Last weekend we also celebrated great grandma's 88th birthday.

 During the day Mommy and Daddy met K's new friend Adam. K had to stay in the waiting room since she had the sniffles.

Adam slept the entire time Mommy was there and was such a good baby. We will have to visit again once K is over her cold so she can hug her new friend.

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