Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Cheer

Uncle Ken & Auntie Becca hosted a holiday dinner. There was plenty of yummy food like Auntie Christine's chicken wings, Auntie Ali's peppermint cookies, Auntie Becca's pasta salad and Uncle Dave brought Golden Gate Bakery dan tats for dessert. After dinner the parents snapped a pic of the kiddies.

This was off Uncle Pete's iphone.

Earlier that day, Mommy had fun with the camera and took some pics at Po Po and Gung Gung's house. Can you tell how attached K is to Po Po?

Three generations....

School requested Daddy and Mommy to bring a family pic to put up in the classroom. Since K didn't have any recent pics, Gung Gung helped us out and was our photographer.

 Speaking of school here' a pic of Teacher Lina and Raylen.

Mommy and Daddy waited until the last minute to visit Santa. When we got to the mall, Santa was just going on his break, so instead of sitting on his lap K wrote him a letter. Happy Christmas Eve!

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