Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 89th Tao-Po!

Last weekend we celebrated great grandma's (Tao-Po) 89th birthday! She looks pretty amazing for her age. She is a really active lady. She exercises with her friends every morning, takes the Bart out to SF by herself to buy groceries and always cooking up feasts for her family. During the celebration, K wanted to help put the candles on the cake.

Tao-Po was so nice to let the kids blow out her the candles.

K earned her first sticker at swimming class for proper breathing control. She was able to hold her breath under water while paddling and kicking to Teacher Carolina.

Cousin Aiden and family are moving to the South Bay. Daddy helped pack things into the truck. K wanted to be where all the excitement was and asked to be in the truck as well.

It's been cold out lately, so K has been doing activities at home to keep entertained. She painted the other day. She has OCD. She hates when paint gets on her fingers and will need to wipe it off immediately.

K is still excited about her dolls. When she comes up from school, she will say to the doll "I know you missed me, but I am home now."

When it's story time she will sit her doll up and make sure her doll has a blankie.

Speaking of story time, K loves to read books. Instead of Mommy reading to her, she wants to read to Mommy. Here's one example of her reading Brown Bear Brown Bear.

And to finally to end here's a video of K putting lotion. This girl is already into her looks!

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