17 years later the guys are all grown up and are now daddies. Some of the kids were not too thrilled to have their picture taken.
It was even more funny to try to have the kids sit by themselves and cooperate to take another picture.
K invited Aiden to Happy Hallow. It was his first time. He had so much fun that Auntie Caroline ended up buying a membership there.
This time at the park, K wanted to ride on the cars. If you may recall the first time she rode on it, she tried to get out and the attendant kept asking her to sit down. She has not ridden the cars since. This time around she loved it and asked to go on it again.
She also sat still and wanted to watch the puppet show. Mommy thinks K is growing up and it's fun to watch her change.
Lastly she was brave enough to go up to the goat and touch it. Usually, she always has to be held and likes to see the goat from Daddy's arms.
K had a play date with Ava and Ethan at Super Franks.
Both K and Ava loved to color at the children's table.
Over break K got a haircut. She is growing out her bangs, so she just trimmed the length of her hair. She didn't want to sit on the chair by herself, so she sat on Daddy's lap.
After cutting her hair, Auntie Mai invited K to dinner at a yummy Mediterranean restaurant called Hummus.
K didn't get a chance to give Mason his gift before Christmas, so she made a visit to drop it off. K always enjoys Mason's big play room filled with toys.
K has been spending time at the park hanging from the monkey bars. After holding for a few seconds, she said "that was hard work!"

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