Monday, October 29, 2012

Toddler And Me Swim Class

It's been awhile since K attended swimming class. She stopped going to class right before she went to Hawaii. It was hard trying to go consistently on weekends since there was always something going on, so Mommy stopped the classes and decided to sign up on a drop in basis. K will attend classes more consistently when she gets a little older. Mommy tried to sign K up for a baby and me class on Saturday, but they were all filled so she enrolled K in a toddler and me class instead. The toddler class starts accepting babies at 18 months. Can you tell how excited K is to be back in the pool?

There are different techniques taught compared to the baby class. In the toddler class the babies wear fins.

During the motorboat song, the kids are suppose to open jump off themselves. 

K learned how to do the monkey walk.

K ran across the mat and jumped off.

Earlier this week Mommy went on a business trip to San Diego. She took the opportunity to visit great grandpa as well. They met up for dinner at Jasmine restaurant.

Also at dinner was Cami and Kayla. Kayla on the right was in Mommy's wedding as a flower girl. She is 6 years old now. Cami is 3.

Daddy bought K a table so she can eat her snacks on and do activities. The table has been getting good use out of it so far!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wedding In LA

K took her second trip on a plane. This time to Pasadena, LA to attend Uncle Fred and Auntie Jen's wedding. K was watching as her plane just got to the gate.

Daddy's strategy when he books a flight is to book an aisle and window seat in the back of the plane hoping no one would sit next to us, so K could have her own seat. His plan worked. No one sat in the middle of us.  Right when the plane took off, K was eating a rice cracker, dropped it on the floor and fell asleep the next minute. The sounds of the plane must be soothing to her. She lied on mommy and had room to stretch out her legs.

When we arrived in LA, K's uncle and aunties were staying at the same hotel. She headed up to see them and partied in Uncle Larry's room.

 Uncle Larry, Uncle Joey, Auntie Mel and Uncle Dan showed K a good time by tossing and swinging her on the sheets.

Uncle Fred selected a great location for the wedding. It was right in the middle of downtown. On Saturday before the wedding right across the street from the hotel, Mommy discovered Polka Dot Baby. This is a gigantic playroom for kids. It had more toys than Mommy has ever seen, books to read, couches for parents to relax and tons of things for kids to do. It opened in October so everything was so new and clean. They had a promotion going on- $8 admission for kids. Parents were free.

Inside was even a slide. Daddy and K were getting ready to go down.

K loved it and kept saying and signing more, more!!

She played in the kitchen and washed her hands and dishes.

 K met a new friend Melanie and found out her Mommy use to live in the Bay Area and is a big Giants fan.

There was an indoor swing.

Another cool thing about the place was they let us bring food and had tables for kids to eat on. PF Chang's was located upstairs, so Daddy got take out of lettuce cups, noodles and steamed veggies. K stayed for 2 hours in the playroom and it was the best $8 dollars that Mommy ever spent!!

After the playroom, K took a nap and changed and headed to the church. In the pews, she sat on Auntie Andrea's lap and flipped through scripture readings. K wasn't too quiet during the ceremony. She would giggle and say "uh oh."

Auntie Andrea took K up and down the steps the church. K had so much fun. They both got a work out.

Group picture missing the bride and groom.

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Lee. Excuse the ravioli sauce around K's mouth which was served for dinner.

Family photo. Too bad K is not looking at the camera.

K says thank you Auntie Andrea for watching me! I hope to play with you again soon! Thanks also to all the other auntie and uncles (Dan, Christine, Mel) who watched K. It was nice to have helpers!

K's aunties and uncles took her with them to have some fun in the photo booth.

The next day K had to leave LA early.  Daddy had a work event in Monterey that same day. K discovered pockets and wanted to put her hands in them all the time.  Here she has boarded the air plane and was waiting to take off and go home. Congrats again Uncle Fred and Auntie Jen!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happenings At School

Recently teacher Steph gave Mommy pictures of K in action at school. Mommy will try to describe what a typically day looks like at school based on what teacher Steph tells her. On Monday is Gymboree class with teacher Angie. The kids climb up and down wedge blocks. Mommy is told K loves Gymboree and is so excited when she sees teacher Angie enter the classroom. K is learning to strengthen her upper body muscles and focus on balancing and coordinatrion when she climbs.

On Tuesdays is music class. The kids get to pick which instruments they want to play with. K likes the sound of the drum. Her other favorite is the bell.

Each week different types of music is played such as Hawaiian, Latin and Mexican. Scarves are given to the kids to wave around as the music is played.

Art projects are made at school. Here's one where K glued feathers to paper.

Here's another project where she glued fuzzy balls onto paper.

Since Fall is approaching, leaves were brought into the classroom, so the kids could experience the texture and crinkle of the leaves.

Most days K spends her day coloring. She's pretty good at coloring on the paper instead of the table.

According to teacher Steph her favorite toy in the classroom is the telephone. Does that mean she will be a chatterbox when she grows up?

She gives the phone to her doll to talk into.

 In the playground K has fun going down the slide.

The teachers in the class tell Mommy and Daddy what a silly girl K is. She makes funny animated expressions and is always laughing and friendly to those around her. Mommy is happy K is enjoying herself at school. K has a big smile everyday when she gets out of the car and walks to her classroom. Even though school feels like it cost a small fortune at times, it's worth it to see K happy and learning each day! Teacher Steph says Mommy is definitely getting her money's worth at school since K is a good eater and eats many servings of food at breakfast, lunch and snack.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Auntie Ali invited K for a play date with Courtney on Saturday.  The day started at Uesugi Farm Pumpkin Patch.

This is what the tower of pumpkin behind K looked like. Mommy wonders how long it took and how many pumpkins it took to make it!

K hasn't seen Court in while. Court recently had an accident on the park which resulted in a cast. Mommy was so impressed by how mobile Court was! She could walk and stand despite the cast and was in a happy mood. Even though it is sad to have a cast, she looks so cute! Go Giants!

Auntie Ali was kind enough to bring K some ravioli for lunch which she loved!

Baby Haley who is 6 months old joined in on the fun too. K met her for the first time, but was busy stuffing her face. Mommy loves baby H's cheeks and just wants to just pinch them!

The girls took a ride on the train. The girls rode the train twice since kids were free. Court and Haley rode once with their Mommy and the second time with their Daddy. K did not want to ride with Daddy for her second turn. She has major separation anxiety from Mommy lately. She only wants Mommy to hold her and whines when Mommy leaves the room. Poor's just a phase! K loves you!

After the train ride the grown ups ate lunch. K wanted a bite of Mommy's corn on the cob.

After the pumpkin patch K went to the park by Court's house. Nate and his siblings came too. Nate pushed K on Court's car.

And K pushed Court.

When K arrived at school on Monday to her surprise there was a pumpkin patch in the courtyard.

Each student will get to pick out a pumpkin and take it home after the Halloween parade next week. There are 400 kids at the school now that's a whole lot of pumpkins!

K can point to more body parts now

Friday, October 12, 2012

6th Annual Family BBQ

K has been under the weather the past week. She caught another cold and this time a fever from school. This is the second time she has been sick since starting school a month and a half ago. Her classroom is a breeding ground for germs. Once one child is sick the whole class gets sick.  Mommy and Daddy have been exhausted since K's coughing has affected her night time sleeping. She has been waking up at 4am! Hopefully she will get well soon!

Let's recap what happened the past weekend. Saturday was Ayumi's red egg and ginger party at Hokkadio. She was 100 days old. Uncle Will thought it would be funny for mommy to hold both babies. Ayu looked so cute in her pink outfit and matching headband!

 On Sunday was the 6th Annual Family BBQ. Auntie Kristine has hosted the bbq the last couple of years and it has been at Lake Chabot but this year we tried a new location, Crab Cove in Alameda.  Auntie Kristine is a great chef and creates new recipes each bbq. This year was pork belly bacon wrapped with filet migon and also cajun tiger prawns.

At crab cove there is a visitor center with fish tanks. K watched as the fish were fed brine shrimp for lunch.

Uncle Derek and Ethan gave the girls a ride back to the picnic table.

Ethan is like a big brother to K. He is always watching over her and playing with her. K got to experience her first mini bike ride.

The mommies tried to get the 3 kids to stay still to snap a quick picture.

At home, K liked to take Mommy's shopping bag and hold it and wave bye. Inside the bag was Po Po's birthday gift.

Great Grandma's 95 year old friend knitted K this hat as a gift. Mommy wanted to take a picture with it before it got too small.

K is learning more words. New words she can say are cracker, bubbles, up, get down, go, ball, apple, Po Po and Gong Gong. When Mommy or Daddy asks her a question, her first response is  "Ummm." She can also imitate someone sneezing. She throws her back and forward and says "Achoo." She can sing "Row Row" for the first verse of the song.  Her favorite word these days is NO!