This is what the tower of pumpkin behind K looked like. Mommy wonders how long it took and how many pumpkins it took to make it!
K hasn't seen Court in while. Court recently had an accident on the park which resulted in a cast. Mommy was so impressed by how mobile Court was! She could walk and stand despite the cast and was in a happy mood. Even though it is sad to have a cast, she looks so cute! Go Giants!
Auntie Ali was kind enough to bring K some ravioli for lunch which she loved!
Baby Haley who is 6 months old joined in on the fun too. K met her for the first time, but was busy stuffing her face. Mommy loves baby H's cheeks and just wants to just pinch them!
The girls took a ride on the train. The girls rode the train twice since kids were free. Court and Haley rode once with their Mommy and the second time with their Daddy. K did not want to ride with Daddy for her second turn. She has major separation anxiety from Mommy lately. She only wants Mommy to hold her and whines when Mommy leaves the room. Poor's just a phase! K loves you!
After the train ride the grown ups ate lunch. K wanted a bite of Mommy's corn on the cob.
After the pumpkin patch K went to the park by Court's house. Nate and his siblings came too. Nate pushed K on Court's car.
And K pushed Court.
When K arrived at school on Monday to her surprise there was a pumpkin patch in the courtyard.
Each student will get to pick out a pumpkin and take it home after the Halloween parade next week. There are 400 kids at the school now that's a whole lot of pumpkins!
K can point to more body parts now
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