Monday, October 29, 2012

Toddler And Me Swim Class

It's been awhile since K attended swimming class. She stopped going to class right before she went to Hawaii. It was hard trying to go consistently on weekends since there was always something going on, so Mommy stopped the classes and decided to sign up on a drop in basis. K will attend classes more consistently when she gets a little older. Mommy tried to sign K up for a baby and me class on Saturday, but they were all filled so she enrolled K in a toddler and me class instead. The toddler class starts accepting babies at 18 months. Can you tell how excited K is to be back in the pool?

There are different techniques taught compared to the baby class. In the toddler class the babies wear fins.

During the motorboat song, the kids are suppose to open jump off themselves. 

K learned how to do the monkey walk.

K ran across the mat and jumped off.

Earlier this week Mommy went on a business trip to San Diego. She took the opportunity to visit great grandpa as well. They met up for dinner at Jasmine restaurant.

Also at dinner was Cami and Kayla. Kayla on the right was in Mommy's wedding as a flower girl. She is 6 years old now. Cami is 3.

Daddy bought K a table so she can eat her snacks on and do activities. The table has been getting good use out of it so far!

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