Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happenings At School

Recently teacher Steph gave Mommy pictures of K in action at school. Mommy will try to describe what a typically day looks like at school based on what teacher Steph tells her. On Monday is Gymboree class with teacher Angie. The kids climb up and down wedge blocks. Mommy is told K loves Gymboree and is so excited when she sees teacher Angie enter the classroom. K is learning to strengthen her upper body muscles and focus on balancing and coordinatrion when she climbs.

On Tuesdays is music class. The kids get to pick which instruments they want to play with. K likes the sound of the drum. Her other favorite is the bell.

Each week different types of music is played such as Hawaiian, Latin and Mexican. Scarves are given to the kids to wave around as the music is played.

Art projects are made at school. Here's one where K glued feathers to paper.

Here's another project where she glued fuzzy balls onto paper.

Since Fall is approaching, leaves were brought into the classroom, so the kids could experience the texture and crinkle of the leaves.

Most days K spends her day coloring. She's pretty good at coloring on the paper instead of the table.

According to teacher Steph her favorite toy in the classroom is the telephone. Does that mean she will be a chatterbox when she grows up?

She gives the phone to her doll to talk into.

 In the playground K has fun going down the slide.

The teachers in the class tell Mommy and Daddy what a silly girl K is. She makes funny animated expressions and is always laughing and friendly to those around her. Mommy is happy K is enjoying herself at school. K has a big smile everyday when she gets out of the car and walks to her classroom. Even though school feels like it cost a small fortune at times, it's worth it to see K happy and learning each day! Teacher Steph says Mommy is definitely getting her money's worth at school since K is a good eater and eats many servings of food at breakfast, lunch and snack.

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